Fuel Quantity Gauge@@
Name: Type 94 Fuel Quantity Gauges (Type Tanaka)
Use Model:Type 95 Trainer,Type99 tactical Recon,
Note: Large size,133Liter ,Pressure Type
Type 94
variation Ver1
Tank Capacity 13.38 15.20 13
Use Model Type 1Fighter. Type 1Fighter. Type99 tactical Recon
Type 94
variation Ver2
Tank Capacity Inside 0`10.5
Outside 0`20
Use Model Type 99 Advanced Trainer. Type99 tactical Recon Type 97Fighter,Type 1Fighter.
Type 2 Twin-Engine Fighter Type93 Light Bombers
Photograph no Name: Type 95 Fuel Quantity Gauges? (Existence unidentified)
Use Model:Unknow
Name:Type 97 Fuel Quantity Gauge,(Pressure Type)
Use Model: Type99 Light Bombers,Type 100 com.recon‡U‡V,
@@@@@@@@@Type 100 Havy Bomber,Type 1 Dual Engines Trainer,Ki-102"OTU",Ki-105
Note:Large size,0,30,60,90,120,(15,105,135)
Name:Type 97 Fuel Quantity Gauge,(Electric Type)
Mitsubishi Electric
Name:Type 98 Fuel Quantity Gauge(Pressure Type)
Use Model:Type 1 Dual Engines Trainer,Type 100 com.recon‡U‡V,Type 100 Havy Bomber
Note:Large size,0`10,
Name:Type 98 Fuel Quantity Gauge (Electric Type)
Product:Fuji aviation Indicator Co. Inc.
Use Model: Type 97 Bomber,Type 2 Twin-Engine Fighter,Type 4 Bomber,
@@@@@@@@@Type 100 Havy Bomber,Ki-94‡U
Note:Large size,0`10, electric , belonging generator
Name:Type 100 Fuel Quantity Gauge (Electric Type)
Use Model: Type 3 Fighter,Type 4 Fighter,Type 3 Command Liaison,
Note:Large size,0`37.5,
—€”R—Ώ27.gif Name:Type 1 Fuel Quantity Gauge (Electric Type)
Use Model: Type 3 Fighter,Type 4 Fighter,Type 5 Fighter,Ki-83,Ki-106
Note:Large size,0`180,
Name:Unkow Type Fuel Quantity Gauge
Product: Unkow
Use Model: Unkow
Note:Small size,0`1000,
Name:Integration Fuel Quantity Gauge
Product:Fuji aviation Indicator Co. Inc.
Use Model: Ki-77
Note:Outside0 to 90,Inside 0 to 4000
@@ @It was Navy Type Indicator