Where reads a production number (Navy airplane volume)

The characteristic of the production number of the navy airplane

¦ Give of the number to the order that ended the body order or inspection that completed
(Even if tha type differs same single number from the acquisition of tha number)
(The body that the production date and production number of part, do not fit existence)
¦ When the production place differs also in same company inside give of a different head number
¦ In the case that the same airplane type is manufactured in a different company give of the company original number
(Production company, although it differs the same number existence with the same airplane type)

Read the production number of main airplane

Case of "SHIDEN"
(production numbers of the SHIDEN)
5 ¦ ¦ ¦: production place classification:
the production in the "Naruo" factory are shown.
7 ¦ ¦ ¦: production place classification:
the production in the "Himeji" factory are shown.
(same as above)
¦ 250: the engineering made of the 250th in each factory is shown.
Production place: the order of production number
Case of "GEKKOU" type 11
7334 Do I adopt it as the Type 2 land scout planes of 7: in Showa 17?
334: No 334
adoption year? : order of the production number
Case of Type 1 Attack
Bomber"RIKKOU" model 22

2274 2 ¦ ¦ ¦: production place classification:
the production in the "Nagoya" production place are shown.
12055 12 ¦ ¦ ¦: production place classification:
the production in the "Mizushima" production place are shown.
274, 055 show the production number in each factory. Production place: the order of production number
Case of ZERO Fighter

Mitsubishi 5622 (tyoe 52) a completion order, inspection completion order
Mitsubishi 5639 (type 21)
Mitsubishi 5404 (type 32) Use of a similar number structure in Mitsubishi/Nakajima
Nakajima 5450 (type 52)
Mitsubishi and Nakajima continues to 01`5000 attendants in all of both companies.
It continues to 82,000 attendants furthermore about Nakajima.
total production number: are it 10701
(Mitsubishi Production 3898 , Nakajima Production 6534 , Hitachi Production 272)
A single league number

Of type/production number about Type 1 Attack Bomber"RIKKOU" is clear to
a lists shown below attachment is clear to a lists shown below attachment
¦ When a production place differs give of a different head number.
¦ A part of missing number is resulting .
¦ A Nagoya production place is producing the number that I reduced 1000 from the number
@@of the production number.

¦ Each typing and mixing it I am acquiring the number.

Type 1 l Attack Bomber Nagoya production place Mizushima production place
Type 11 01` 1200
Type 12 406, 948, 954
Type 13 241 640
Type 22 2001`2274 12001`12055 55
Type 22"KOU" 2275`2324
Type 22"OTU" 2325`2374
Type 24"KOU" 2501 12056`12512 457
? 2502
Type 24"KOU" 2515`2529
Type 24"OTU" 2530`2700
Type 24"TEI" 2594`2600
Type 26 2601`2602
Type 24"TEI" 2603`2605
Type 24"HEI" 2701`
Type 24"TEI" 2706`2715
Total 1840 512